Thursday, July 11, 2013

Slim Fit Suit: Trend for weddings

No use: The world has changed and you need to track the positive changes to come. As my area are the weddings, I speak of a trend aimed at them that is the modernization of the costumes.

Well, you probably have already heard of the bespoke suit "Slim" or "Slim Fit". These suits come from a new trend in

actually not so new as well: The Beatles were their precursors in the 60s.

The Slim Suit is nothing more than a more acinturado and set close to the body, favoring the tall and slender body type of modern man. But attention: "Adjusted" does not mean "tight" and therefore uncomfortable. Suits this style comes together with expert tailoring which ensures a perfect fit!

And this suit goes well with weddings?


Consequently this tremendous change, become more demanding with everything. With weddings is the same thing: Grooms and brides start looking what is most modern for invitations, favors, goodies ... and of course costumes!

We put aside the idea of ​​the groom is a mere character in the big day and we see him as a fundamental part of the whole. The conventional costumes are no longer the only options ...

An overdose of slim suit for you!

I'm suspicious about this overall style as well as applauding standing a guy who knows how to dress well, love to break paradigms well ... so well done. =]

Well, slim fit custom made suits my fiance is already properly separated here in Maximu's. And you? Has provided the your boyfriend too?

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